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News Podsumowanie Wspaniałego Pikniku Firmowego 2022!

Podsumowanie Wspaniałego Pikniku Firmowego 2022!

Great events leave beautiful memories! Today we would like to share with you a summary of the extraordinary Company Picnic 2022. It is thanks to our talented associates and the great atmosphere that we were able to create unforgettable moments.

Thank you to each of you for participating in this amazing event! Company Picnic 2022 was full of joy, smiles and integration. Together we spent a wonderful family afternoon that will remain in our memories for a long time.

We would like to express immense gratitude to our partners: the girls from Cossack Eats, who prepared delicious meals for 400 people, and Simon from KiS Dance, who made the event full of dancing and joy. We would also like to thank the entertainers from the Dancing School of Dance and Animation for a great party that entertained both children and adults. And may the wonderful photos by Wojtek from - Agencja Fotograficzna remind us of these magical moments.

Thank you to everyone who participated and put their energy into this event. Thanks to you, our company is full of positive energy and shared experiences. See you next year, and now we're back to work with renewed vigor and even more drive to succeed!
