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News New Award for WorkerService - Success Shared with Joy!

New Award for WorkerService - Success Shared with Joy!

We are very pleased to share another great achievement of our temporary employment agency! We can already look forward to the next award that awaits us in Berlin.

We are very happy to announce that our Temporary Employment Agency has received another prestigious award! This is an incredible award, which we will receive in June in Berlin, from the hands of the President of the European Commission. Although this event is still to come, we are already extremely excited about it!

For us, it's confirmation that our company's mission and vision really make a significant difference in the lives of many people. Our work connects entrepreneurs and employees, helping them find employment and achieve independence. We are pleased that our business not only brings economic benefits, but also reflects our social sensitivity and charitable commitment. It is this combination that brings us such great results.

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to our employees, customers, associates and all the people who support us and are part of our success story. It is thanks to you that our activities bear such beautiful fruit. We are ready to continue our mission, inspiring and influencing positive change in the world of employment.
