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News A Day Full of Inspiration and Knowledge at WorkerService!

A Day Full of Inspiration and Knowledge at WorkerService!

We continue to develop and share knowledge. Recently, we had the opportunity to participate in an inspiring training adventure.

At WorkerService, we are constantly focused on developing and improving our skills. That's why we are happy to have had the opportunity to spend a special day with entities we admire and support: Let's Share the Good Foundation, Kindergarten Close to Children and Nature, and Goat Eatery.

Together we went through an intensive training, which provided us with a huge dose of knowledge and inspiration. We would like to thank Dorota Cendlak and Marcin Jankowski from Story Factory for professionally leading and sharing their knowledge.

A day full of inspiration and new perspectives - it is events like this that make us ready for even better challenges and achievements. WorkerService is not just a job, it is a passion and continuous development. Thank you all for participating and learning together!
